Credit Name
Sahar Mohamed Ali Abou Bakr
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Sahar Mohamed Ali Abou Bakr is an associate professor of pure mathematics at Ain Shams University, Faculty of
Science, Cairo, Egypt, teaches some pure mathematical courses for under graduate and post graduate students, supervising projects, M.Sc and Ph.D thesis, authoring many research papers and books, her major field of study is functional, real
analysis, operator theory, and fixed point theory.
Her list of published books:
[1] Sahar Mohamed Ali Abou Bakr., “Functional Analysis, Projection Constants of Some Topological Spaces and Some Applications”, Yokohama Publishers Inc. Tokyo, Japan,
[ ISBN: 978-4946552-39-7], Copyright © 2010.

[2] Sahar Mohamed Ali Abou Bakr., “Functional Analysis with Some Fixed Points Theories’ Approaches”, Verlag/ publisher Lab Lambert Academic Publishing, Deutschland/ Germany,
[ ISBN: 978-3-659-4670-6 ], Copyright © 2013.

[3] Sahar Mohamed Ali Abou Bakr., “An Introduction to Three Dimensional Geometry and Projection Operators”, Verlag/ publisher Lab Lambert Academic Publishing, Deutschland/ Germany, [ ISBN: 978-3-659-51906-2 ], Copyright © 2014.
هذا الكتاب هو الكتاب رقم السادس عشر على العالم فى موسوعة Top Science Books. لعامى 2014-2015

[4] Sahar Mohamed Ali Abou Bakr., “Analytic Geometry, Two Dimensional Conic Sections and Some Applications”, Verlag/ publisher Lab Lambert Academic Publishing, Deutschland/ Germany, [ ISBN: 978-3-659-64287-6 ], Copyright © 2014.

[5] Sahar Mohamed Ali Abou Bakr., “Comprehensive Study of Curves in Differential Geometry”, Verlag/ publisher Lab Lambert Academic Publishing, Deutschland/ Germany,
[ ISBN: 978-3-659-87407-9 ], Copyright © 2016.
[6] Sahar Mohamed Ali Abou Bakr., “Calculus of Integration and Some Applications,” Verlag/ publisher Lab Lambert Academic Publishing, Deutschland/ Germany, OmniScriptum GmbH& Co. KG. [ ISBN: 978-3-659-97888-3 ], Copyright © 2016 .
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