Radwa Kotait is currently an Assistant Professor of Translation and Linguistics in the English Department, Faculty of Al-Alsun (Languages), Ain Shams University. She graduated from Al-Alsun with honours in 2002. She earned her master’s degree in Translation and Linguistics in 2007 on “Translating Conceptual Metaphors in the US speeches on the Middle East in the UN General Assembly (1990-present)”. She also earned her PhD degree in Cognitive Translation Studies on “A Cognitive Approach to Translation Shifts: Using an LDC Arabic-English Parallel Corpus” in 2011. She is also a freelance translator. Her latest publication a translation into Arabic of "The Honor Code: How Moral Revolutions Happen" by Kwame Appiah. She is also the head of the Innovation Hub in the Faculty of Al-Alsun, Ain Shams University. She is interested in Cognitive and Corpus approaches to the study of translation and interpretation.