Effect Of moderate and Severe Maternal Iron Deficiency Anemia On Fetal Outcome And Neonatal Hemoglobin(Cord Blood Sample)

Ahmed Elsayed Abdelmaksoud Amer;


Summary & Conclusion

Iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia among pregnant women, especially in developing countries. Indeed, a majority of women in the reproductive age group in the developing countries are anemic even before conceptio

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Title Effect Of moderate and Severe Maternal Iron Deficiency Anemia On Fetal Outcome And Neonatal Hemoglobin(Cord Blood Sample)
Other Titles تأثير أنيميا نقص الحديد المتوسطة والشديدة فى الأم الحامل على حالة الجنين و نسبة الهيموجلوبين للطفل حديث الولادة
Authors Ahmed Elsayed Abdelmaksoud Amer
Keywords Effect Of moderate and Severe Maternal Iron Deficiency Anemia On Fetal Outcome And Neonatal Hemoglobin(Cord Blood Sample)
Issue Date 2012
Summary & Conclusion

Iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia among pregnant women, especially in developing countries. Indeed, a majority of women in the reproductive age group in the developing countries are anemic even before conceptio

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