Effect of Health Education Program on Mothers' Care for Premature Babies to Prevent Complications at Home

louka, seham; Nadia Hamed Farahat;


It is well documented that knowledge and practices related to premature home care are vital factors in the ability of premature babies' mothers to care of their premature babies at home, to cope successfully with premature health problems and to prevent premature complications. Aim: this study aims to evaluate the effect of health education program on mothers' care for premature babies to prevent complications at home. Design: A quasi-experimental design was used. Setting: The study was carried out at the neonatal outpatient premature clinics in Abu El-Reish Pediatric Hospital, and Pediatric Ain Shams University Hospital. Sampling: A purposive sample of premature babies discharged from the previously mentioned neonatal intensive care units, and their mothers based on identified criteria were recruited for this study sample. It is composed of 136 premature babies; included in the study and control groups. Tools: 1) An interviewing questionnaire to assess socio-demographic characteristics of mother and her health knowledge related to premature baby, 2) Mother' practices' assessment checklist to assess her practices toward their premature babies, and home environment, and 3) premature baby assessment sheet. Results: The mothers' age in both groups almost ranged from 16-20 years with a mean of 20.9 ± 4.3 for the study group, and 20.07 ± 5.0 for the control group. The study group had a higher satisfactory level of knowledge and practices related to premature home care compared to the control group. After implementation of the health education program, the premature study group had a good growth rate and normal development compared to babies of the control group. Conclusion: The present study revealed that, after the application of health education program, the study group had less recurrence of the premature complications than the control group with a statistically significant difference between the two groups. The study recommended conducting educational programs for the high risk pregnant women in the follow up clinic to raise their knowledge and practices related to premature care.

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Title Effect of Health Education Program on Mothers' Care for Premature Babies to Prevent Complications at Home
Authors louka, seham ; Nadia Hamed Farahat 
Keywords Premature babies, Home care, Health education, Neonatal nursing, Mother' care
Issue Date 25-Nov-2015
Publisher seham Guirguis
Conference المؤتمرالدولى الثانى عشر لكلية التمريض جامعة عين شمس 
Complications from preterm births resulted in 0.74 million deaths in 2013 down from 1.57 million in 1990. The chance of survival at less than 23 weeks is close to zero, while at 23 weeks it is 15%, 24 weeks 55% and 25 weeks about 80%. The chances of survival without long term difficulties are less. Globally, 15 million babies are born preterm every year and this number is rising. This is more than 1 in 10 births. The rate of preterm births has increased over the last 20 years. It is thought this is because of increased maternal age and maternal problems, such as; diabetes and high blood pressure, increasing rate in pregnancy-related complications, such as; gestational diabetes, greater use of infertility treatments leading to more multiple pregnancies and more caesarean deliveries taking place before term. Premature birth is now the biggest global killer of young children, with more than 1 million children dying each year due to the complications of preterm birth, mostly in the developing world.

In Egypt, the incidence of premature birth, was reported 1 in 8 live births and increased risk of death and long term disability which impacting families, communities, and health care services. The incidence rate for premature birth to the populations in Egypt was reported 123,131

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