New nummulitidsf rom lowerE ocenel imestoneso f Egypt (Monastery of St. Paul, Eastern Desert)

Boukhary, Mohamed;


ABSTRACT:B assiouninas anctipaulin . gen. n. sp. (Nummulitidaet)o getherw ithN ummulitespraeatacicuns. sp. aren ewlyd escribed
fromt he uppern ummuliticb earings andym arlsf romM onasteryo f St. Paul,E asternD esert,E gypt. Accordingt o Schaub'sn ummulitic
time scale 1981, this intervali s assignedt o the EarlyE ocene( Early/MiddlIel erdian)s, ince Nummuliteas tacicusL eymerie1 846 originallyr
ecordedfr omM ontC ayla( Herault)i,s a characterisitscp ecieso f thet opp arto f theM iddleI lerdian.N ummulitessa hariensisn . sp.
is also describedf roma parallels tratigraphisce ctiona ndi s given an EarlyE oceneA ge (EarlyI lerdian1 /2);t his age is confirmedf rom
studiesb asedo n planktonica ndb enthonicf oraminifera ndm atchedw ell with Schaub'sn ummulitics cale. The sedimentsw ered eposited
in small basinss ituatedo n a structurarla mpt hati nclinedg ently towardst he south.

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Title New nummulitidsf rom lowerE ocenel imestoneso f Egypt (Monastery of St. Paul, Eastern Desert)
Authors Boukhary, Mohamed 
Issue Date 1998
Journal foramicropaleontology, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 99-108, text-figures 1-3, plates 1-3, tables 1-2, 1998 

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