Male and Female Nursing Student's Perception Regarding Premarital Counseling and Examination

fathy, amal; Kamilia R; Sahar M;


This study was aimed to assess nursing student's perception regarding premarital counseling and examinations. Study setting: The study was conducted at Faculty of Nursing Ain-Shams University. Study design: A descriptive study design was used. Sample subjects and size: The study was conducted among students at third academic year at faculty of nursing 210 students. Study sample: A convenience sample. Study Tools: Self administrated structured questionnaire sheet, and Likert scale were developed to collect data. Results: The study findings revealed that, 74.6%, 75.7% of students had correct knowledge & positive attitude respectively regarding premarital counseling and examinations. There was highly statistically significant difference (p<0.001) between students' total score of knowledge & total score of their attitude. Conclusion: The present study findings revealed that, three quarters of the studied sample had correct knowledge & positive attitude regarding premarital counseling and examination. Recommendation: The researches are needed to assess effect of students' parents’ communication on their children's perception about premarital health & to investigate students’ barriers for utilization of premarital care health services.

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Title Male and Female Nursing Student's Perception Regarding Premarital Counseling and Examination
Authors fathy, amal ; Kamilia R ; Sahar M 
Keywords perception, premarital, counseling & examinations (PMCEs).
Issue Date 2017

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