The Effect of Some Curing Variables on the Shear Bond Strength of Composite Resin To Dentin Using different Adhesive Systems

Shehab El Din Mohamed Abd El-Tawab;


This study was carried out to evaluate the shear bond strength of
composite resin to dentin using two different dentin adhesive systems, totaletch
and self-etch, as affected by the variations in:
1. The curing light source.
2. Curing distance.
3. Curing t

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Title The Effect of Some Curing Variables on the Shear Bond Strength of Composite Resin To Dentin Using different Adhesive Systems
Other Titles تأثير بعض متغيرات الطبخ على قوة الربط القصي لراتنج الكمبوزيت مع العاج بإستخدام أنظمة لصق مختلفة
Authors Shehab El Din Mohamed Abd El-Tawab
Keywords The Effect of Some Curing Variables on the Shear Bond Strength of Composite Resin To Dentin Using different Adhesive Systems
Issue Date 2011
This study was carried out to evaluate the shear bond strength of
composite resin to dentin using two different dentin adhesive systems, totaletch
and self-etch, as affected by the variations in:
1. The curing light source.
2. Curing distance.
3. Curing t

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