Hassan, Hamdy H


Internal ID: rp10064
  • 129 Scopus Citations

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Full Name
Hassan, Hamdy H
• Ph.D., 1994, " Electrochemical Behaviour and Dissolution Mechanism of Silicon Single Crystals in Aqueous Media ", Ain-Shams University Egypt and Laboratoire d`Electrochimie Interfacial (LEI) du Centre National de la recherché Scientifique (CNRS), FRANCE.

Thesis Advisors: Prof. S. S. Abd El-Rehim, Ain Shams University.
Prof. S. M. Abd El-Wahaab, Ain Shams University.
Prof. M. Costa, LEI, CNRS, France.
Prof. M. Etman, LEI, CNRS, France

• M.Sc., 1991, "Studies on the Electrochemical Behaviour of Zn in Aqueous Solutions ", Ain-Shams University.

Thesis Advisors: Prof. A. M. Azaam, Ain Shams University.
Prof. S. M. Abd El-Wahaab, Ain Shams University
• B.Sc., 1986, Ain-Shams University.
• 2020-present Full time Physical Chemistry Professor, Head of the Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Galala University, Egypt.
• 2016-2020 Head of the physical chemistry Division, Faculty of science, Ain-Shams University Egypt
• 2017- 2019 Adjunct professor, University of Science and Technology, Zewail City, Egypt
• 2014-present Adjunct professor, Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport , Egypt
• 2010-2012 Director of the photoenergy center, Faculty of science, Ain-Shams University-Egypt.
• 2008-present Professor of Chemistry, Ain-Shams University-Egypt.
• 2000-2009 Assistant Professor of Chemistry, King Khalid University. (Saudi Arabia)
• 2002-2008 Associate Professor of Chemistry, Ain-Shams University-Egypt.
• 1995-2002 Lecturer of Chemistry, Ain-Shams University-Egypt.
• 1992-1994 Visiting Scholar, LEI, CNRS, France.
• 1991-1995 Teaching Assistant, Ain-Shams University-Egypt.
• 1986-1991 Research Assistant, Ain-Shams University-Egypt.

An Egyptian government fellowship for two years (1992-1994) to attend LEI, CNRS, France. The fellowship was awarded to conduct graduate dissertation research through a collaborative program between Ain-Shams University and the LEI, CNRS, France
• Egyptian Society of Corrosion and Protection of Metals.
• Egyptian Electrochemical Society.
My name has been included in the list released in 2020 by the US-based Stanford University of the World's Top 2% of the most-cited Scientists in various disciplines based on data from Scopus that ranks journals and gives a citation index.

University Course title
1. Galala University (GU) Phystical Chemistry
Renewable Energy

2. Ain Shams University (ASU), General chemistry
Phase equilibria
Electrochemistry 1
Electrode kinetics
Corrosion (undergraduate and postgraduate)

3. University of Science and Technology, Zewail City (ZC) Physical Chemistry part of CHEM202

4. King Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia (kku) General chemistry
Chemical kinetics
Quantum Chemistry
Kinetic theory of gases

5. Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport (AAST)
General Chemistry BA118


1. Hamdy H. Hassan (PI), et al. “Fabrication of innovative efficient low cost fuel cell electrodes” project number 28950, funded by the STDF-BARG, (Call 6), 2019-2022.
2. H. H. Hassan et. al “e-Laboratories for Chemistry Education " project number: RDI2/S2/106, funded by the RDI program,28th of May 2014 – 27th of May 2016 (https://www.elab.edu.eg/).
3. H. H. Hassan et. al, preparation of some nanoparticles and their application in analytical chemistry, project funded by Ain Shams University, 2010-2012
4. H. H. Hassan; E. Abdelghani "Studying the inhibition action of some Environmentally Accepted Organic Compounds on the corrosion of Steel in aqueous media containing Chloride ion," Saudi Arabian Basic Industries Corporation SABIC in collaboration with the Deanship of Academic Research, King Khalid University, (Project No. 1/2005) 2005-2007.

Referee in theAcademy of Science and Technology for the Egyptian State Award in Advanced Technological Sciences 2020 (Basic Science).

Referee in theAcademy of Science and Technology for the STDF funded projects.

Referee in the Egyptian Universities Promotion Committees

Referee in the Egyptian Council of the Research Center and Institutes (CRCI) Promotion Committees

Referee in many scientific journals, for example:
o Electrochimica Acta
o Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry
o Journal of Applied Electrochemistry
o International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
o Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry
o Applied Surface Science
o Materials Chemistry and physics
o The Open Electrochemistry Journal
o Chemical Engineering Communications
o Open corrosion journal

Referance Persons: Recommendation letters will be submitted upon request.
Sayed. S. Abd El-Rehim Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University

Saad S. M. Hassan Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University

Mahendra. K. Sunkara Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40292, USA.

Francois Ozanam Laboratoire de Physique de la Matibre Condensde, CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique. 91128 Palaiseau C£dex, France.

Mohamed H. Alkordi University of Science and Technology, Zewail City, Egypt

Thesis's Supervision:
Mohamed Abd Elhamied Faculty of Science Ain Shams University
Ali Mostafa Abd El-Aziz Farag Faculty of Science Ain Shams University
Essmat Mansour Faculty of Science Ain Shams University
Ahmed Bahaa Soliman Faculty of Science Ain Shams University
Ahmed Sayed Essa Abd Elrazik Faculty of Science Ain Shams University
Eman el-sayed mohammed salem Faculty of Science Ain Shams University
Marwa Hassan Mohamed Atwa Faculty of Science Suez Canal University
Mohamed Mahmoud Abd- Elaal Faculty of Science Ain Shams University
Sayed Yehya Ali Atya Faculty of Science Ain Shams University
Hany Khamar Embaby Faculty of Science Ain Shams University
Mahmoud Adel FawzyElgemeni Faculty of Science Ain Shams University
Mohamed Abd Elhamied Faculty of Science Ain Shams University
Noble Foad Faculty of girls Ain Shams University
Iman Ghazi Faculty of girls Ain Shams University
Marwa Hassan Mohamed Atwa Faculty of Science Suez Canal University
Ahmed Abd El Moneem Faculty of Science Ain Shams University
Mohamed Abd El-bar Faculty of Science Ain Shams University
Ali Mostafa Abd El-Aziz Farag Faculty of Science Ain Shams University
Amr M. M. Ahmed Shaltot Faculty of Science Ain Shams University
Mohammad Samir El-Kotb Salem Faculty of Science Ain Shams University
Amr M. H. Ali Arish Faculty of Science Ain Shams University
Krulus Ikram Anour Faculty of Science Ain Shams University
Sayed Yehya Ali Atya Faculty of Science Ain Shams University
Hany Khamar Embaby Faculty of Science Ain Shams University
Mahmoud Adel FawzyElgemeni Faculty of Science Ain Shams University


I was one of the organization communities of the following conferences:
1. 15th International Conference on Chemical Education, Organized by IUPAC and Ain Shams University, 9-14 August 1998.
2. Fifth Ibn Sina International Conference on Pure and Applied Heterocyclic Chemistry, Organized by Ain Shams University, December 1995
3. Coordinate and taught the theoretical and the practical part for Corrosion Monitoring workskope organized by the central laboratory, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, Ain shams University, Cairo, Egypt, 3-4 Augst 2010.

1. Attend the ”Egyptian-Tunisian workshop in the field of advanced materials” Egytian Petrulim Research Institute EPRI, Cairo, December 22-23, 2010.
2. Attend the “Chemical Safety and Security Officer Training”, Organized by the United States Department of Energy and Sandia National Laboratories, Istanbul, Turkey – July 12-16, 2010
3. Attend the training course “Black Board Academic Suite-Learning System” Organized by King Khaled University, KSA, January 24-25, 2009.
4. (Comparative Studies of Electrochemical Behaviour of Silver Electrode in Chloride, Bromide and Iodide Aqueous Solutions) H. H. Hassan, M. A. M. Ibrahim, S. S. Abd El Rehim, M. A. Amin, The 2nd International Conference on Electrochemistry and its Applications, Luxor, Egypt, Feb. 2-5, 1999
5. (Electrochemical Behaviour of Silver Electrode in NaOH Solutions) S. S. Abd El Rehim, H. H. Hassan, M. A. M. Ibrahim, M. A. Amin, The 1st International Conference on Electrochemistry and its Applications, Luxor, Egypt, Nov. 26-28, 1996.
6. (Studies on the Anodic Dissolution of p-Si Electrodes in Fluoride Media in Darkness and Under Illumination), H. H. Hassan, J.-L. Sculfort, B. Fotouhi, M. Neumann-Spallart, M. Etman, " 3rd International Conference on Solar Energy Storage and Applied Photochemistry, Cairo, Egypt, January 8-14, 1995.
7. (Cation Effects on the Anodic Dissolution of p-Si), H. H. Hassan, J.-N. Chazalviel, M. Etman, M. Neumann-Spallart, F. Ozanam, " 2nd International Conference on Solar Energy Storage and Applied Photochemistry, Cairo, Egypt, January 6-11, 1993.

1. (On the deconvolution of the concurrent cathodic processes with cobalt deposition onto graphite from feebly acidic bath), Mahmoud A. El-Jemni, Hesham S. Abdel-Samad and Hamdy H. Hassan, J Appl Electrochem (2021) https://doi.org/10.1007/s10800-021-01606-5

2. (Supercapacitor electrode materials: addressing challenges in mechanism and charge storage), Sayed Y. Attia, Saad G. Mohamed, Yosry F. Barakat, Hamdy H. Hassan and Wail Al Zoubi, Rev Inorg Chem (2021) https://doi.org/10.1515/revic-2020-0022

3. (Synergistic performance of simply fabricated polyaniline/carbon xerogel composite as supercapacitor electrode), HanyKhammar, AbdallaAbdelwahab, Hesham S.Abdel-Samad, Hamdy H.Hassan, J. Electroanal. Chem., 880, 114848 (2021), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jelechem.2020.114848
4. )Glassy Carbon Electrode Electromodification in the Presence of Organic Monomers: Electropolymerization vs. Activation, (, Ali M. Abdel-Aziz, Hamdy H. Hassan, Ibrahim H. A., Anal. Chem., 92(11), pp. 7947-7954 (2020), https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.analchem.0c01337
5. (Impact of rare earth compounds on corrosion of aluminum alloy (AA6061) in the marine water environment), Deyab, M.A., El-Rehim, S.S.A., Hassan, H.H., Shaltot, A.M., Journal of Alloys and Compounds 820,153428 (2020). DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2019.153428
6. (A single-step synthesis and direct growth of microspheres containing the nanoflakes-like structure of Zn0.76Co0.24S as a high-performance electrode for supercapacitors), , Sayed Y. Attia, Yosry F. Barakat, Hamdy H. Hassan, Saad G. Mohamed, Journal of Energy Storage, 29 (2020) 101349 , DOI: 10.1016/j.est.2020.101349
7. (Controlled electrodeposited cobalt phases for efficient OER catalysis, RRDE and eQCM studies), Mahmoud A. El-Jemni, Hesham S. Abdel-Samad, Ahmed S. Essa, Hamdy H. Hassan, Electrochim. Acta, 313, pp. 403-414 (2019), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.electacta.2019.05.044
8. Improved Corrosion Resistance of Aluminum in 0.5 M HCl Solution using Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation, Deyab, M. A., El-Rehim, S. S. A., El Moneim, A.A., Hassan, H. H. , Z. Phys. Chem. 233(5), pp. 609-625 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1515/zpch-2018-1246
9. (Electrochemical studies on pitting corrosion of tin in sodium borate solutions containing nitrate ions), N. F. El Boraei, S. S. Abd El Rehim, H. H Hassan, Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, 66(3), pp. 300-306. (2019). https://doi.org/10.1108/ACMM-07-2018-1972
10. (A Sensitive and Green Method for Determination of Catechol Using Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes/Poly(1,5-diaminonaphthalene) Composite Film Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode), Ali M. Abdel-Aziz, Hamdy H. Hassan, Amr A Hassan, Ibrahim H. A. Badr, J. Electrochem. Soc, 166 (15) B1441-B1451 (2019). DOI: 10.1149/2.0301915jes
11. (Conventional and microwave synthesis of some new pyridine derivatives and evaluation their antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities), K. E. Anwer, G. H. Sayed, H. H. Hassan, M. E. Azab, Egypt. J. Chem. 62(4), pp. 707-726 (2019). DOI:10.21608/EJCHEM.2018.5115.1452
12. (Hydrothermal Synthesis of α-MnS Nanoflakes@Nitrogen and Sulfur Co-doped rGO for High-Performance Hybrid Supercapacitor), Saad G. Mohamed, Sayed Y. Attia, Yosry F. Barakat, Hamdy H. Hassan, Wail Al Zoubi, Chemistry Select, 3(22) 6061-6072 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1002/slct.201801042
13. (Low Cost Chemical Oxygen Demand Sensor Based on Electrodeposited Nano-Copper Film) H. H. Hassan, I. H. A. Badr, Abdel-Fatah, H. T M, E. M. S. Elfeky, A. Mostafaa Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 11(2) 171-180 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.arabjc.2015.07.001
14. (N-aminophthalimide as a synthon for heterocyclic schiff bases: Efficient utilization as corrosion inhibitors of mild steel in 0.5 mol.L-1 H2SO4 solution), Abdelaal, M. M., Mohamed, S.G., Barakat, Y. F., Derbala, A. A. Y, Hassan, H. H., Zoubi, W.A. Egypt. J. Chem. 61(3), pp. 539-558 (2018) DOI: 10.21608/EJCHEM.2018.2414.1198
15. (Sensitive and Green Method for Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand Using a Nano-copper Based Electrochemical Sensor(, Ibrahim H. A. Badr, Hamdy H. Hassan, E. Hamed, and Ali M. Abdel-Aziz, Electroanalysis 29(10) 2401-2409 (2017), DOI: 10.1002/elan.201700219
16. (Estimation of the Inhibition Efficiency of Polysorbate 80 Against the Corrosion of 6061 Aluminum Alloy in Di-Sodium Hydrogen Orthophosphate Solution), S. S. Abd El-Rehim., M.A. Deyab, Hamdy H. Hassan, A.M. Shaltot, Z. Phys. Chem. 231 (9) 1573 - 1584 (2017), doi:10.1515/zpch-2016-0905.

17. (Tailoring the oxygen reduction activity of hemoglobin through immobilization within microporous organic polymer‒Graphene composite), Ahmed B. Soliman, Rana R. Haikal, Arwa A. Abugable, Mohamed H. Hassan, Stavros G. Karakalos, Perry J Pellechia, Hamdy H. Hassan, Magdi Habeeb Yacoub, and Mohamed H. Alkordi, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2017), 9 (33), pp 27918–27926. Article ASAP DOI:10.1021/acsami.7b06146
18. (Corrosion and Corrosion Inhibition of Aluminum Alloys A5052 and A5754 in Sulfuric Acid Solutions by Some Inorganic Inhibitors), S. S. Abd El-Rehim., M.A. Deyab, Hamdy H. Hassan, Ahamed Abd El-Moneim, Z. Phys. Chem.231 (6) (2017),1141-1158. doi: 10.1515/zpch-2016-0890.
19. (Spinel-structured FeCo2O4 mesoporous nanosheets as efficient electrode for supercapacitor applications), Saad G. Mohamed, Sayed Y. Attia, Hamdy H. Hassan, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. 251 (2017) 26-33. DOI: 10.1016/j.micromeso.2017.05.035
20. (Influence of Nonoxynol-9 on the Corrosion Inhibition of Carbon Steel in 1.0 M Hydrochloric Acid Solution), S. S. Abd El-Rehim, , M. A. Deyab, Hamdy H. Hassan and A. Abd ElMoneim, Z. Phys. Chem.; 230, (11), 1641–1653 (2016) doi: 10.1515/zpch-2016-0754.
21. (Pitting Corrosion of Zn Peculiarly Caused by Acetate Anions) , Hesham S. Abdel-Samad and Hamdy H. Hassan, Z. Phys. Chem 230 (10), (2016) 1531-1549. doi 10.1515/zpch-2016-0766.
22. (Surface functionality and electrochemical investigations of a graphitic electrode as a candidate for alkaline energy conversion and storage devices), Ahmed B. Soliman, Hesham S. Abdel-Samad, Sayed S. Abdel Rehim & Hamdy H. Hassan, Sci. Rep. 6, 22056; doi:10.1038/srep22056 (2016). DOI: 10.1038/srep22056.
23. (Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of Adsorption and Inhibitive Properties of Tween 80 on Corrosion of Aluminum Alloy (A5754) in Alkaline Media), S. S. Abd El-Rehim, H. H. Hassan, M. A. Deyab, and A. Abd ElMoneim, Z. Phys. Chem.; 230, (1), 67–78 (2016) doi:10.1515/zpch-2015-0614.
24. (High performance nano-Ni/Graphite electrode for electro-oxidationin direct alkaline ethanol fuel cells), Ahmed B. Soliman, Hesham S. Abdel-Samad, Sayed S. Abdel Rehim, Mohamed A. Ahmed, Hamdy H. Hassan, J. Power Sources 325 (2016) 653-663. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2016.06.088
25. (Comparative Studies of Electrochemical Behaviour of Silver Electrode in Chloride, Bromide and Iodide Aqueous Solutions) H. H. Hassan, M. A. M. Ibrahim, S. S. Abd El Rehim, M. A. Amin, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 5, 278-294 (2010).
26. (Pitting Corrosion of Tin by Acetate Anion in Acidic Media), H. H. Hassan, K. Fahmy, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 3, 29-43 (2008).
27. (Role of alloyed silicon and some inorganic inhibitors in the inhibition of meta-stable and stable pitting of Al in perchlorate solutions), M. A. Amin, H. H. Hassan, O. A. Hazzazi, M. M. Qhatani, J. Appl. Electrochem., 38, 1589-1598 (2008).
28. (On the role of NO2- ions in passivity breakdown of Zn in deaerated neutral sodium nitrite solutions and the effect of some inorganic inhibitors. Potentiodynamic polarization, cyclic voltammetry, SEM and EDX studies), M. A. Amin, H. H. Hassan, S. S. Abd El Rehim, Electrochim. Acta, 53, 2600-2609 (2008).
29. (Inhibition of mild steel corrosion in hydrochloric acid solution by triazole derivatives Part II. Time and Temperature Effects and Thermodynamic Treatments), H. H. Hassan, Electrochim. Acta, 53, 1722-1730 (2007).
30. (Participation of the dissolved O2 in the passive layer formation on Zn surface in neutral media), H. H. Hassan, M. A. Amin, S. Gubbala, M. K. Sunkara, Electrochim. Acta, 52, 6929-6937 (2007).
31. (Inhibition of mild steel corrosion in hydrochloric acid solution by triazole derivatives Part I. Polarization and EIS studies), H. H. Hassan, E. Abdelghani, M. A. Amin, Electrochim. Acta, 52, 6359-6366 (2007).
32. (Electrochemical studies on the effect of (2E)-3-amino-2-phenylazo-but-2-enenitrile and its derivative on the behaviour of copper in nitric acid), S. A. Abd El-Maksoud, H. H. Hassan, Mater. and Corros., 58 (5), 369-375 (2007).
33. (Perchlorate and oxygen reduction during Zn corrosion in a neutral medium), H. H. Hassan, Electrochim. Acta, 51, 5966-5972 (2006).
34. (Effect of chloride ions on the corrosion behaviour of steel in 0.1M citrate), H. H. Hassan, Electrochim. Acta, 51, 526-535 (2005).
35. (Chronoamperometric studies of pitting corrosion of Al and (Al–Si) alloys by halide ions in neutral sulphate solutions), S. S. Abdel Rehim, H. H. Hassan, M. A. Amin, Corros. Sci., 46, 1921-1938 (2004).
36. (Anodic behaviour of tin in maleic acid solution and the effect of some inorganic inhibitors), S. S. Abd El Rehim, H. H. Hassan, N. F. Mohamed, Corros. Sci., 46, 1071-1082 (2004).
37. (Corrosion inhibition study of pure Al and some of its alloys in 1.0 M HCl solution by impedance technique), S. S. Abd El Rehim, H. H. Hassan, M. A.Amin, Corros. Sci., 46, 5-25 (2004).
38. (The corrosion inhibition study of sodium dodecyl benzene sulphonate to aluminium and its alloys in 1.0 M HCl solution), S. S. Abd El Rehim, H. H. Hassan, M. A.Amin, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 78 (2) 337-348(2003).
39. (Galvanostatic anodization of pure Al in some aqueous acid solutions Part I: Growth kinetics, composition and morphological structure of porous and barrier-type anodic alumina films), S. S. Abdel Rehim, H. H. Hassan, Amin M.A., J. Appl. Electrochem,. 32(11), 1257-1264 (2002)
40. (Corrosion and corrosion inhibition of Al and some alloys in sulphate solutions containing halide ions investigated by an impedance technique(, S. S. Abdel Rehim, H. H. Hassan, M. A. Amin, Appl. Surf. Sci., 187, 279-290 (2002)
41. (Role of ClO4- in breakdown of tin passivity in NaOH solutions), H. H. Hassan, S. S. Abd El Rehim, N. F. Mohamed, Corrs. Sci., 44, 37-47 (2002)
42. (Corrosion Behaviour of Zinc in Sodium Perchlorate Solutions), H. H. Hassan, Appl. Surf. Sci., 174 (3-4), 201-209 (2001).
43. (Corrosion Inhibition of Aluminum By 1, 1 (Lauryl Amido) Propyl Ammonium Chloride in HCl Solution), S. S. Abd El Rehim, H. H. Hassan, and Mohammed A. Amin, Mater. Chem. Phys. 70(1), 64-72 (2001)
44. (The Electrochemical Behaviour of Polycrystalline Silver Electrode in Na2CO3 Solutions and the Effect of ClO4- Ions), M. A. M. Ibrahim, H. H. Hassan, S. S. Abd El Rehim, M. A. Amin,.J. Solid State Electrochem, 3(7-8), 380-386, (1999).
45. (Perchlorate Pitting Corrosion of a Passivated Silver Electrode...), S. S. Abd El Rehim, H. H. Hassan, M. A. M. Ibrahim, M. A. Amin, Monatsh. Chem., 130(10), 1207-1216, (1999)
46. (Electrodeposition of Zn-Ni-Cd Terrnary Alloys from Acitate Bath), S. S. Abd El Rehim , E. E. Fouad, S. M. Abd El Wahab, H. H. Hassan, Indian J. Chem. Technol. 5(6), 387-392 (1998).
47. (Electrochemical Behaviour of Silver in Aqueous Chromate Solutions), S. S. Abd El Rehim, M. A. M. Ibrahim, H. H. Hassan, M. A. Amin, Can. J.Chem. 76(8), 1156-1161 (1998).
48. (Electrochemical Behaviour of a Silver Electrode in NaOH Solutions), S. S. Abd El Rehim, H. H. Hassan, M. A. .M. Ibrahim, M. A. Amin, Monatsh. Chem. 129(11), 1103-1117(1998).
49. (Effect of Alkali-Metal and Some Quaternary-Ammonium Cations on the Anodic Dissolution of p-Si in Fluoide Media), H. H. Hassan, B. Fotouhi, J.-L. Sculfort, S. S. Abdel Rehim, M. Etman, F. Ozanam, J.-N. Chazalviel, J. Electroanal. Chem., 407(1-2), 105-113(1996).
50. (Electroplating of Zinc-Nickel binary Alloys from Acetate Baths), S. S. Abd El Rehim, S. M. Abd El Wahaab, E. E. Fouad, H. H. Hassan, Electrochim. Acta, 41(9), 1413-1418 (1996).
51. (The Influence of Some Sulfur-Containing Anions on the Anodic Behaviour of Zinc in an Alkaline Medium), S. S. Abdel Rehim, E. E. Fouad, S. M. Abd El Wahab, H. H. Hassan, J. Electroanal. Chem., 401(1-2), 113-118. (1996).
52. (Passivity and Passivity Breakdown of Zinc Anode in Alkaline Medium), S. S. Abdel Rehim, S. M. Abd El Wahaab, E. E. Fouad, H. H. Hassan, Mater. Corros, 46(11), 633-638 (1995).
53. (Chemical Limitations to the Anodic Dissolution of p-Si in Fluoride Media in the Presence of Alkali Metal Cations.) H. H Hassan, J.-N. Chazalviel, M. Neumann-Spallart, F. Ozanam, M. Etman, J. Electroanal. Chem., 381(1-2), 211-14. (1995).
54. (Kinetic and Diffusional Limitations to the Anodic Dissolution of p-Si in Fluoride Media), H. H. Hassan, J-L. Sculfort, M. Etman, F. Ozanam, J.-N. Chazalviel, J. Electroanal. Chem., 380, 55-61(1995)
55. (Effect of Some Variables on the Electroplating of Zinc from Acidic Acetate Bathes), S. S. Abdel Rehim, S. M. Abd El Wahaab, E. E. Fouad, H. H. Hassan, J. Appl. Electrochem, 24(4), 350-354 (1994).


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