Nursing Students’ Satisfaction and Attitude regarding Innovative E-Learning Courses

Abeer Refaat Kabeel; dr.samah.faisal;


Introduction: There is a rapid development in information communication technology with an increased focus on innovative educational delivery strategy. E-learning is an innovative approach for delivering well-designed, learner-centered, and interactive learning environment. Also, there is an increasing usage of computer based exams; there are not enough researches about student's satisfaction and Attitude regarding Innovative E-Learning Courses and online assessment. Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the nursing students’ satisfaction and attitude regarding innovative E-Learning Teaching Strategy and online assessment. Research Design: It is a descriptive research design. Subject and Methods: A convenient sample of baccalaureate nursing students (N=54). The students were enrolled in academic year 2016-2017, at semester six. Tool of data collection: The tool consists of three parts, the first part related to demographic data of the participants, the second part was a questionnaire consists of 12 questions for assessment computer familiarity and prior experience, and the third part consists of 63 questions for assessment Nursing Students’ Satisfaction and Attitude regarding innovative E-Learning strategy and online assessment. Result: The results indicated that majority of nursing students have both positive attitudes (moderate level= 37% & High level= 63%) and satisfaction (moderate level= 50% & High level=50%) regarding Innovative E-Learning courses and online assessment (Total moderate level= 44.4% & Total High level=55.6). Conclusion: Majority of nursing students had both positive attitudes and satisfaction regarding e-learning and online assessment. In addition, the user interface of web site is proper and well-designed but need to be further development. Nursing faculty can treat e-learning methods as an innovative teaching strategy for incorporation of critical thinking but not as a single approach. Recommendations: Establishing comprehensive approach of incorporating information and communication technology with teaching and learning. E-learning does not only depend on technological instruments available, but also on the pedagogical approach of teaching style, with teachers being required to use innovative teaching approaches to deliver their course as well as a good preparation of the learners. Further researches are needed to assess the factors affecting nursing students' satisfaction with e-learning, in addition to measure the effect of using innovative e-learning strategy versus traditional teaching strategies on nursing students’ achievement.

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Title Nursing Students’ Satisfaction and Attitude regarding Innovative E-Learning Courses
Authors Abeer Refaat Kabeel; dr.samah.faisal 
Keywords Nursing Students, Satisfaction, Attitude, E-Learning, Innovative Teaching Strategy, online assessment
Publisher Abeer Refaat Kabeel

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